GL Entry Reports Details

General Ledger (GL) Entry reports provide a view of general ledger entries. You can use these reports to evaluate the financial activity of your organization.

There are two types of GL Entry reports with different levels of detail:

  • GL Entry-Detail — More detailed. This report provides a detail view of general ledger entries without aggregation.

  • GL Entry-Extended Detail — Most detailed. This report provides a detail view of general ledger entries without aggregation. The report includes extended Gotransverse source object information.

The GL Entry reports are Gotransverse standard reports located in the GL_3.0 folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. For descriptions of the filters you can use in reports, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table lists the output shared by all GL Entry reports:

GL Entry Report Output Fields
Column Description

Tenant ID

ID of the tenant that processed the transaction resulting in a GL entry.

Tenant Name

Name of the tenant that processed the transaction resulting in a GL entry.

Posted Date

Effective date of the transaction.

Posted Month

Effective month of the transaction.

Accounting Period

Accounting period that is open when the transaction is created.

Document Type

Type of document. For example—invoice, debit adjustment, credit adjustment, or payment (credit, cancel, refund).

Document ID

ID for the invoice, debit adjustment, credit adjustment, or payment. Not provided for certain document types.

Voucher ID

ID used to aggregate transactions for GL Entry-Standard report.

GL Account Number

The account number designated for a GL account when setting up a chart of accounts.

GL Account Name

The name designated for a GL account when setting up a chart of accounts.

Billing Account Number

Unique account number assigned by Gotransverse.

Billing Account Name

Name associated with the billing account.

JE Description

Description for the journal entry created by the GL rule.


Amount debited to the GL account for this transaction.


Amount credited to the GL account for this transaction.

Net Amount

Net amount for this transaction.

Output Unique to GL Entry-Extended Detail

The following table lists the additional output only included in the GL Entry-Extended Detail report.

Additional Output
Column Description

Charge Info Created On

Date that the charge info record was created.

Transaction Trigger

Event that triggers a GL entry for the associated transaction.

Transaction Type

Type of transaction as specified on the GL entry.

Charge Info Type

Type of transaction as specified on the charge info record.

Service Billing Account Number

Number for billing account that receives the service.

Responsible Billing Account Number

Number for billing account that is responsible for paying invoices.

Service Billing Account Category ID

Account category ID for the billing account that receives the service.

Service Billing Account Category Name

Account category name for the billing account that receives the service.

Transaction ID

ID for the transaction.

Entry ID

ID for the GL entry.


Description for the GL entry.

Template Name

Name of the GL rule template used.

Rule Name

GL rule used to create the journal entry transaction.

Charge Info ID

ID of the charge info record.

Invoice Item Charge ID

ID for the invoice item charge.

Charge Category ID

ID for the charge category associated with the transaction.

Charge Category Name

Name of the charge category associated with the transaction.

Price Category Type

Charge category type associated with the transaction.

Product ID

ID of the product associated with the transaction.

Product Name

Name of the product associated with the transaction.

Product Category Name

Name of the product category selected for the product that is associated with the transaction.

Order ID

Gotransverse internal ID for order associated with the transaction.

Order Number

User configured order number for order associated with the transaction.

Order Date

Date order was approved.

Order Created On

Date that the order was created.

Order Created By

User that created the order.

Order Type

Type of the order.

Service ID

ID for the service associated with the transaction.

Parent Service

Subscription service that is a parent to the associated Add-On.

Service Name

Name for the service associated with the transaction.

Service Period Start Date

Date service period begins.

Service Period End Date

Date service period ends.

Service Start Date

Date service begins.

Service End Date

Date service ends.

Deactivation Processed Date

Date that the service deactivation is processed.

Invoice ID

ID of the invoice associated with the transaction.

Invoice Total Amount

Total amount of the associated invoice.

Payment ID

ID associated with the payment.

Payment Application ID

ID associated with the payment application.

Account Adjustment ID

ID associated with the account adjustment.

Adjustment Reason Name

Reason for adjustment.

Order Creation Date

Date that the order was created.

Prorate on Order

Specifies whether the product price is prorated for an order placed in the middle of a bill cycle.

Prorate on Cancel

Specifies whether the product price is prorated for an service that is canceled in the middle of a bill cycle.

Discount Product Charge Category Name

Charge category for the service that is associated with the transaction.




Topic updated: 02/2024.