Chart of Accounts Report Details

The Chart of Accounts report shows the accounts that have been created for your General Ledger. The report enables you to analyze the structure of your General Ledger and how the accounts are related.

The Chart of Accounts report is a standard report located in the GL_2.0 folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. Default information in this report includes account names, account types, account categories, and account designations. The default sort order for this report is by account number. Depending on your accounting needs, the Chart of Accounts report can be filtered by account categories or GL account types. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

Chart of Accounts Report Output Fields
Column Description

Account Number

The numerical identifier of the GL account.

Account Name

The name of the GL account.

Parent Account Number

The numerical identifier of the account which enables you to define the hierarchical relationship of GL accounts.


Descriptive information about the account.


The type of GL account:

  • Asset

  • Liability

  • Equity

  • Revenue

  • Expense

Account Category

The name used to group or classify expenditures, revenue, assets, and liabilities.


The status of the GL account.