Manual Charges

A manual charge enables a user to manually create a new invoice item charge based on an existing invoice item charge, resulting in a invoice item for that charge appearing on an invoice. A manual charge can be an alternative to creating an adjustment or a manual invoice.

The manual charge object represents user-defined charge information for a future invoice item charge (generated charge) based on an existing invoice item charge (source charge) from the same billing account. The generated charge is created during the bill cycle or bill batch process using the details from the manual charge and the source charge. The generated charge is then represented on an invoice by an invoice item with a manual-product invoice item type.

A manual charge can have one of the following statuses:

  • Draft — Manual charge is created, can be edited or deleted, and is not eligible for bill cycle or bill batch processing.

  • Posted — Manual charge is finalized, cannot be edited or deleted, and is eligible for bill cycle or bill batch processing.

  • Completed — Manual charge was included in the bill cycle or bill batch process and the generated charge has been invoiced.

Refer to Manual Charges External Link in the Gotransverse Help Site External Link to learn how to manage manual charges in the UI.


  • Taxes are calculated for manual charges only when the tenant is configured with Avalara Communications Tax, Avalara (Legacy) Tax, External Tax, or Vertex Indirect Tax O Series as the tax processor.

  • When using Revenue Management, manual charges are processed using the same posting rules created for manual invoices.

Refer to the following topics for more information:




Topic Updated: 7/2024.