Revenue Management
This example shows you how to use the Gotransverse API to create, set up, and use an AR Ledger.
Refer to the Revenue Management API Reference Documentation to see the list of endpoints, methods, request and response payload examples, and to try out the microservice in a live mode.
AR Ledger — An entity that holds the chart of accounts, posting rule set, accounting calendar, and other attributes that together define the accounting entries that belong to the Ledger. It holds transactions that may be summarized and sent to a customer's ERP General Ledger.
GL Account — A base entity for sorting and storing transactions. GL accounts need to be associated with a Chart of Accounts in order to be used to create transactions for an AR Ledger.
GL Account Category — Provides structure for reporting of GL accounts. GL account Categories need to be associated with a Chart of Accounts in order to be used for reporting.
Chart of Accounts — A group of GL accounts that are assigned to an AR ledger. In order to be set to Active, the AR ledger needs to be associated with a Chart of Accounts.
Charge Information Record — A representation of Gotransverse activity created by a series of queries (Collectors).
Posting Rule — Used to evaluate Charge Information Records based on parameters defined in the Posting Rule to create transactions.
Posting Rule Sets — A group of Posting Rules that are assigned to an AR ledger.
Set up AR Ledger
To create an active AR Ledger, at a minimum you need to define GL Accounts, a Chart of Accounts, Posting Rules, a Posting Rule Set, and a Run Mode Actuals.
Refer to the following topics for more information: