Work With API Reference Documentation

Each Gotransverse APIs window includes an overview of the microservice, a list of all endpoints, the methods available for each microservice with payload examples, as well as a way to send a request in a live mode.

Gotransverse Billing API Reference Window

The following table describes each area of the window and its purpose or function (numbers correspond to the image above):

API Reference Documentation
Feature Description
1 The Gotransverse logo is a link back to the Gotransverse Microservices topic on the API Help site.

The microservices API drop-down list includes all the microservices that are supported by Gotransverse billing platform. Select a microservice to open its window.

Gotransverse Microservices Drop-down List


Try it feature allows you to send a live request.
See below for more details on using the Try it feature.


Export allows you to export the API Reference Documentation (in JSON format) using either of the following options:

  • Original — The API references are exported but not resolved.

  • Bundled References — The API references are resolved and placed in the components section without any duplication.

Complete the following steps before sending a live API request:

  1. Click the Try it button to open the Would you like to try? window.

  2. In the Try it URL field, enter the URL of your environment.

  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

    Try it

After saving your URL in the Would you like to try? window, complete the following steps to send a live API request:

  1. Select an endpoint (1).

  2. Enter the X-API-Key (2).

  3. Click Send API Request (3).

    Send API Request