Configure Approval Operations

You can configure approvals to perform operations that affect parts of the Gotransverse system through notifications, such as product approval.

Only certain notifications, such as the Sales Order (Sales Order Notification section), Product Replacement, and New Product Sale notification (Product Notification Actions section), have the option for an approval step in the notification process.

Product Replacement and New Product Sale include one default approval operation - In Progress Approval. This operation can be configured for an automatic approval at a certain date, so that an order is not delayed by waiting for an approval. Each action can have a predetermined duration in days (1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, or 120) that is applied to any new order. Scheduled approvals can be viewed on the Order Details window, where these scheduled approvals can also be changed, and the automatic approval date can be moved to an earlier or a later date than originally set. Refer to View Order Details for more information on accessing the Order Details window.

Sales Order includes one default approval operation - Payment External Review. This operation will trigger approvals for sales orders in the Gotransverse billing platform when an associated payment is held for external review by a bank.

If the notification can include an approval operation, the notification will have an Approval Operations section on the Action Configuration window.

Action Configuration Window

Action Configuration Window

Complete the following steps to configure an approval operation for a notification:

  1. Select Setup from Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Notification Management in the left pane.

    Notification Management Window

    Notification Management Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. Find the notification that you want to disable or update and click the active link under Friendly Name column to open the Action Configuration window.

    Action Configuration Window

    Action Configuration Window

  4. On the Action Configuration window, click the Edit button in the Approval Operations to open the Configure Required Approvals window.

    Gotransverse Technical Support may need to enable system settings to make the Approval Operations section visible for some notifications.

  5. On the Configure Required Approvals window, complete one of the following actions:

    Configure Required Approvals

    Configure Required Approvals

    1. Select the Enable Action checkbox to enable the approval.

    2. Clear the Enable Action checkbox to disable the approval.

  6. Click Finish to save changes and close the Configure Required Approvals window.



Topic updated: 09/2023.