AR Ledger Transactions

AR Ledger accounting entries (transactions) represent a balanced journal entry. Each transaction consists of two or more accounting entries that balance (the sum of debits equals the sum of credits). Transactions are primarily created by the posting rules in the posting rule set assigned to the AR ledger. However, manual journal entries can be posted to create a transaction. Transactions and accounting entries can be viewed but not edited or deleted from the AR ledger.

The image below represents several transactions. Each line in the table represents an accounting entry associated with that transaction.

Transactions Tab Window

Transactions Tab Window

You must first select a Billing Account Number, a Charge Info Record ID, Service ID, Accounting Entry ID, or State Record ID value from the filter slide-out window to display any records. Refer to Filter, Configure, or Export Transaction Entries for more information.

The table under the Account Entries detail tab for an AR ledger can be customized to display desired columns. To configure which columns display in the table, click the Configure button to open a drop-down menu. Select or deselect column names. Click Restore Defaults to reset to the default columns. Click outside the drop-down menu to close it.

The following columns are available to be included in the transactions table for an AR ledger. Column names marked with an * are the defaults:

  • Transaction ID* — A transaction ID is assigned to all accounting entries generated from posting rules and manual journal entries. This is a system-generated number.

  • Accounting Entry ID* — System-generated number unique to each accounting entry.

  • Transaction Date* — The date the event occurred, also referred to as the occurred on date.

  • Posted Date* — The date assigned to accounting entries that depends on the accounting period method assigned to a ledger and the date/time data was entered into Gotransverse (Event Date). If the accounting period is closed on the Event Date, the posting date will be the first day of the next open accounting period.

  • Event Date — The date/time that data was entered into Gotransverse. This is used in combination with the accounting period method on a ledger to assign the Posted Date. The Event Date for manual journal entries is the date it is created, unless the date is overridden via API.  Override option is not available via UI as of September 30, 2021.

  • GL Account Number* — The GL account number related to the accounting entry.

  • GL Account Name — The GL account name related to the accounting entry.

  • Original Currency — The currency of the billing account associated with the accounting entry.

  • Original Debit Amount* — Debit amount on the accounting entry

  • Original Credit Amount* — Credit amount on the accounting entry .

  • Converted Currency — The currency defined on ledgers that are set up for currency conversion.

  • Converted Debit Amount Debit — The amount on the converted accounting entry.

  • Converted Credit Amount — Credit amount on the converted accounting entry.

  • Entry Description — Description of the accounting entry. Descriptions are defined in most posting rules and the user may override the description while setting up a posting rule.

  • Transaction Type* — Type of billing activity that occurred like Invoice or Payment.

  • Billing Account Number* — The billing account number related to the accounting entry.

  • Billing Account Name — The billing account name related to the accounting entry.

  • Billing Account Category — The billing account category assigned to the billing account at the time accounting entries are created.

  • Charge Category — The Charge Category associated with the billing transaction represented by the accounting entry.

  • Charge Info Record ID — The Charge Info Record ID associated with the billing transaction represented by the accounting entry.

  • Invoice Number — The invoice number associated with the accounting entry. This is only applicable to invoice transactions.

  • GL Posting Rule ID — The ID of the posting rule that created the accounting entry.

  • GL Posting Rule Name — The name of the posting rule that created the accounting entry.

  • Created By — The name of the user logged in when manual journal entries are made. All other values should be ledger.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about AR Ledger transactions: