Create Dunning Plan

Ensure that the Dunning Gateway processor (Dunning Essentials) is configured in the Setup application before creating a dunning plan. Please contact Gotransverse Support for help with your integration of a Dunning Gateway.

Complete the following steps to create a dunning plan:

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. From the Customer Billing drop-down menu, click Create Dunning Plan to open the Create Plan window.

    Customer Billing Drop-down Menu - Create Dunning Plan Option

    Customer Billing Drop-down Menu - Create Dunning Plan Option

  3. On the Create Plan window, enter the required and relevant information in the following fields:

    Create Plan Window

    Create Plan Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    A info icon icon next to a field name indicates that information about the field is available. Hover your mouse over the icon to see the information.

    • Code* — This field can be helpful for identifying and migrating the plan later if necessary. This field accepts alphanumeric input and cannot be changed once set.

    • Plan Name* — Sets the name for identifying and searching for the dunning plan.

    • Description — Enter additional information or notes on the dunning plan.

    • Minimum Account Balance Due* — This value sets the minimum overall billing account balance required to trigger a billing account or an invoice in a billing account to be evaluated for dunning. However, once an invoice or billing account is part of the dunning evaluation, it will continue to be evaluated even if the account balance subsequently falls below the threshold. For example, a Minimum Billing Account Balance Due of $10.00 would mean that the dunning evaluation process would ignore any invoices or billing accounts (not already being evaluated) on billing accounts with an overall billing account balance less than $10.00 regardless of the billing account having an overdue invoice. Enter an amount or use the up and down arrows to adjust the amount.

    • Status* — Sets the status of the dunning plan to either Draft or Active. After a draft plan is moved into an active state, the plan cannot be moved back to Draft. Active plans can still be edited or moved to Suspended status.

    • Dunning Strategy* — Determines the method for evaluating billing accounts against the dunning plan. Options include:

      • Oldest Open Invoice: Bases the dunning evaluation on the oldest, non-disputed open invoice's days past due and invoice amount due.

      • Overdue Account Balance: This strategy finds the oldest due date from unpaid invoices and sets this as the Anchor Date. This date will be used to evaluate in which dunning tier a customer should be placed. The dunning tier will be reset when the account no longer has an overdue account balance, even if the invoice from which the anchor date is set is paid.

    • Transitional Tier Strategy* — Determines how dunning actions are triggered when an account jumps to a higher or lower dunning tier. This gives you more control over what dunning tier actions occur or do not occur when an account jumps several levels higher or lower.

      For example, if you move an invoice that is 90 days overdue, with its account on dunning tier 3, to a Payment Plan, then that plan cancels 30 days later, the invoice moves back into Dunning as 120 days overdue, and the account moves to tier 6. The tier jumped from 3 to 6, moving it several levels higher.

      Choose one of the following options to handle which tier actions occur or not for an account:

      • Direct: Triggers actions for the tier the account just moved to.

      • Incremental: Triggers actions for each incremental tier.

  4. Click Create to create the plan and close the window or click the Create Another checkbox to save the plan, refresh the window, and create another dunning plan.

    Once created, the dunning plan is displayed on the Dunning tab (on the Setup window) and can be configured with tiers or added to billing accounts. Refer to Create Dunning Plan Tiers for more information on viewing and working with dunning plans.

    Setup Window - Dunning Tab

    Setup Window - Dunning Tab