Operation Run History

The Operation Run History section lists actions that have been triggered in Gotransverse. The actions are shown in time order, with the newest actions listed first. The complete history of a specific action is shown. For example, in a multi-step order and activation process, the history would show in the following chronological order:

  • The notification for fulfillment

  • The fulfillment approval

  • The notification of activation of service

  • The activation approval

Operation Run History Section

Operation Run History Section

When an action cannot be completed, Gotransverse stores the action in an internal queue and retries the delivery. The standard configuration is three retries for a failed action. The maximum number of tries is shown, as well as which attempt has recently been performed.

The following columns of information are shown:

Action Management Fields
Column Description

Account Number

The account associated with the action. The account number is an active link to the Account Details window. Refer to Billing Account Details for more information about this window.


The operation category.

Action Name

The name you gave to this action when you created it as either a Product Action or Payment Action.


The type of action, such as Product Action or Payment Action.

Launch Condition

The event that triggers the action to occur. Examples include, but are not limited to, the purchase of a product or a payment failing to complete.


The status of the action, such as scheduled, completed, failed, erred.


The start date and time of actions.

Last Attempt

The last time this action was performed successfully or unsuccessfully. If Gotransverse has an action that has "Started, that action does not show as Last Attempt until that action is completed successfully or unsuccessfully.

Email Recipient Email address.
Email BCC Email address of a recipient receiving a blind copy.

The current number of retries. For example, if Gotransverse re-tries this action three times, and this is the second attempt, Retry Count is 2.

HTTP Response

Response receive from a URL.


Active link to retry operation.