PayTrace Payment Gateway

As of September 1, 2023, PayTrace payment gateway will no longer be available to new customers. Current customers who use the PayTrace payment gateway can continue to use it.

PayTrace is a third-party payment gateway service integrated with Gotransverse. Bank draft (ACH) and credit card payments are supported. Gotransverse also leverages PayTrace client-side encryption that enables securely collecting client payment information via the web browser. This ensures that only PayTrace can decrypt the payment information while also reducing PCI scope and removing any redirects to outside payment windows. PayTrace supports tokenized operations through their client-side encryption flow. Customers using PayTrace will be required to incorporate PayTrace's client-side encryption prior to passing the encrypted payment information to Gotransverse. Refer to Client-Side Encryption link to an external web site to learn more information about PayTrace's client-side encryption.

To use client-side encryption, set the Tokenized Credit Cards Payment Methods system setting to TRUE. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

Complete the following steps to configure a PayTrace payment gateway:

  1. Select Admin from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Integration in the left pane.

    Payment Gateways Section

    Payment Gateways Section

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Payment Gateways section, click the Add button to open the Add Payment Gateway window.

  4. On the Add Payment Gateway window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Add Payment Gateway - PayTrace

  5. Add Payment Gateway - PayTrace

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Payment Gateway Type* — Select PayTrace.

    • Perform Verification Auth* — Select Yes to trigger a small verification transaction when a new recurring payment method is configured to confirm that the card holder's information is valid. Select No to skip the verification.

    • Auth Amount Per Card Type checkbox — If you select this checkbox, also enter authorization amounts in the listed credit card authorization amount text fields that display:

      • American Express Auth Amount*

      • Discover Auth Amount*

      • MasterCard Auth Amount*

      • Visa Auth Amount*

    • Account Category* — When the Support multiple invoice templates system setting is set to TRUE, Gotransverse will use the account category to determine which payment gateway to use for processing payments. This feature is useful when there is a need to route payment transaction through the same payment gateway but to different merchants. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

      Enabling this parameter may affect other payment gateway configuration settings and may have unexpected affects. Please contact Gotransverse Technical Support prior to making changes to this parameter.

    • Environment* — Select the mode in which to run this gateway.

      • Sandbox/Test/Staging: Is for testing your payment processes. This is the developer area for experimentation and testing and does not affect real customers. No transactions are sent to or through this payment gateway.

      • Production/Live: Is your live and real environment and all customers in your system are affected. Transactions are sent to or through this payment gateway.

    • Integrator Id* — The integrator ID for this gateway.

    • Username* — The user name for this gateway.

    • Password* — The password for this gateway.

  6. Click Finish to add the payment gateway integration.

After the payment gateway integration is added, you must configure the payment methods for the payment gateway. The payment methods accepted through a payment gateway must be defined before you can start accepting payments. Refer to Add Payment Method to Payment Gateway for more information.



Topic updated: 10/2023.