Debit Adjustments
Debit adjustments are adjustments that are invoiced during the billing account’s next bill cycle or bill batch.
As an alternative to creating adjustments or a manual invoice, you could create a manual charge that is based on an existing invoice item charge. Refer to Manual Charges for more information.
When creating a debit adjustment, you are asked to select a reason. Reasons are associated with an adjustment charge category which, when using the Gotransverse general ledger, is used to determine the journal entry produced upon initial posting and invoicing. When a debit adjustment is posted, the billing account’s AR balance is increased by the amount of the debit adjustment.
Debit adjustments may be edited or deleted at any time prior to posting, and reversed at any time after posting and prior to invoicing. When a debit adjustment is deleted or reversed, the billing account’s AR balance is reduced by the amount of the debit adjustment.
Refer to the following topics for additional information about debit adjustments: