Rating & Billing Security Authorities

User access to the Rating and Billing application is controlled by the security authorities assigned to the user's roles.

These security authorities are included in the predefined Admin Role, API Role, CSR Supervisor Role, Mediation Manager, Product Manager Role, Receivables Manager Role, and Resources Role.

These security authorities can be filtered by selecting the UI 1.0 checkbox in the Assign Authorities window. They can also be filtered by either Individual or Aggregate. Refer to Add Authority Level to a Role for more information about this window.

UI 1.0 refers to the applications shown below the line in the application menu menu.

Assign Authorities Window

Assign Authorities Window

Rating & Billing Security Authorities
Security Authority Name Description Authority Type
Activity - Edit & Void Events

Ability to void or edit usage events in the Usage File Management module.


Approve Bill Cycle

Ability to approve a bill cycle in the Billing Management module.


Billing and Rating - Upload Usage File

Ability to upload a usage file in the Usage File Management module.


Billing and Rating - Upload Usage Rule

Ability to upload a complex usage rating rule in the Usage Rules module.


Menu Billing Management

Access to the Billing Management module.


Menu Rate Tables

Ability to manage Rate Tables in the Rate Tables module.


Menu Rating & Billing

Access to the Rating & Billing application.


Menu Usage File Management

Access to the Usage File Management module.


Menu Usage Lookup Tables

Ability to manage Usage Lookup Tables in the Usage Lookup Tables module.


Menu Usage Rules

Access to the Usage Rules module.
