
This guide shows you how to use the Gotransverse Billing API to create (refer to Create a Product), update (refer to Update a Product) and delete (refer to Delete a Product) products, as well as manage product prices and product tags. Also, example covers how to associate related products (refer to Associate Related Products) and create product categories (refer to Create a Product Category).


  • Product — Stands for goods or services that are offered for sale to customers. Products are organized into subscription, one-time, or add-on types.

    In the API, these are respectively categorized as: customer-subscription, general, and add-on.

  • Product Category — A group of products containing all details associated with a product. You can also use product categories for reporting purposes.

  • Price — A default price at which products may be sold. You can add both one-time and recurring prices to a product.

  • Product Tag — A label that you can use for filtering or identifying products that have one or more common characteristics as well as group products that are best suited for a specific function or task.


Refer to the following topics for more information: