Version: 1.33
Each Product Action shown from the Query shows information for a number of elements in the entity. The following table shows the elements, details of the elements, and brief descriptions.
Element Name | Element Type | Field Length |
Description |
queryScope |
QueryScope |
- - |
Whether default query results are |
eid |
Long |
System |
System generated unique identity number |
choice of the following: |
- - |
The operations that this Product Sale Action contains. |
name |
String |
40 |
The name of the Product Sale Action. |
enabled |
Boolean |
"True" |
Is this Product Sale Action enabled or not?
friendlyName |
String |
40 |
You may choose to use a shorter or longer less formal name |
supportsApproval |
Boolean |
"True" |
Does this Product Action support the need for Approval?
Entity Actions
The entity Actions enables you to see multiple pages of the entity ProductSaleAction (and ServiceAction).
Element Name | Element Type | Field Length | Description |
pageNumber |
Integer |
as needed |
Shows the current page number. |
pageSize |
Integer |
as needed |
Shows the page size. |
t otalElements |
Long |
as needed |
Shows the total number of items found. |
e lementCount |
Integer |
as needed |
Shows the current count of the item |
totalPages |
Integer |
as needed |
Shows the total number of pages. |
Select one: |
Either: |
- - |
Shows the list of |
Information for the related entity of Actions:
Entity Actions
Overview of Actions and Their Operations
Product Actions result in an event occurring outside of Gotransverse. For example, Product Actions can be used for fulfillment activities, such as service activation, product shipment, user credential creation, order approval, and so forth.
Actions contain Operations.
Different Actions exist in the Gotransverse Graphical User Interface (GUI) including:
Agreement Actions
Product Actions (this link is for the GUI documentation in this documentation)
Depending upon the type of Product, within Product Actions are three to five types of Product Actions accessed through the GUI. Of those three to five types of Product Actions, two types can also be queried through the API:
API 1.хх entity ProductSaleAction has three types of Operations:
API 1.хх entity ApprovalOperation
API 1.хх entity EmailOperation
API 1.хх entity HttpRequestOperation
API 1.хх entity ServiceAction has two types of Operations:
API 1.хх entity EmailOperation
API 1.хх entity HttpRequestOperation
The Use of Product Sale Action
The Product Sale Action is launched by the sale of a new Product to a BillingAccount during the SalesOrder process.
How to Create Product Actions and Their Operations
In the GUI, create Product Actions of the type (new) Product Sale Actions and Service Actions and their Operations. Refer to the Gotransverse Help site for more information.
You cannot create Actions or their Operations through the API, only query them.
Perform through the GUI
CREATE the Actions and their Operations
View the list of Actions
Perform through the API
Query and view the list of Actions
Query for a Product Sale Action
Product Sale Actions cannot be queried as a group, but instead query for Actions which include Product Sale Actions. Actions for a particular Product are also shown when querying that Product.
Query Key Information
Querying to see Actions including Product Sale Actions needs to include one of the following parameters. If you do not know the value for the parameter, query separately to learn the value.
Query Key | Value | Definition | |
eid |
Long |
The unique eid number for the Action. |
productEid |
Long |
The unique eid number of the Product. |
Query | Query for | Parameter Name and Value | Returns |
SimpleDataQuery | Action | <parameter name><parameter value> | List of your Actions for that parameter name and value. |
SOAP Example Query
In the following example SOAP query of Action, the parameter of productEid was used. The Product's EID value (in this example "774"), was learned through a previous query on Product.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <ns2:query xmlns="" xmlns:ns2=""> <ns2:queryRequest> <simpleDataQuery startIndex="0" size="50"> <type>Action</type> <parameter parameter="productEid" parameterValue="774"/> </simpleDataQuery> </ns2:queryRequest> </ns2:query> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
REST Mount Point and Parameters