Add Charge Category

Complete the following steps to add a new charge category:

  1. Select Setup from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Charge Categories in the left pane.

    Charge Categories Window

    Charge Categories Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. Click the Action button and select one of the following charge categories to add:

    • Price Category

    • Usage Category

    • Tax Category

    • Additional Fee Category

    • Payment Category

    • Adjustment Category

    • Discount Charge Category

    • Manual Invoice Charge Category

    • Adhoc Category

    • Suspension Charge Category

    • Resume Charge Category

  4. On the charge category window, enter the required and relevant information. The example below is an Additional Fee Category window. All charge category windows include the Name, Status, and Description fields. The following types also include the Taxable checkbox:

    • Additional Fee

    • Adhoc

    • Adjustment

    • Discount

    • Usage

    Additional Fee Category Window

    Additional Fee Category Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Name* — Enter the name for the charge category.

    • Status* — Select the desired status:

      • Active: Select this status to make this charge category immediately available to be used.

      • Canceled: Select this status if you no longer need this charge category. A charge category must have a status of Canceled before it can be deleted. If you choose not to delete this charge category it can be changed back to Active or Suspended.

      • Suspended: Select this status to make this charge category unavailable to be used, but not ready to be deleted.

    • Description — Enter a short description of this charge category.

    • Taxable checkbox — Select this checkbox to make this category taxable. Deseclect the checkbox to remove the taxability.

  5. Click Finish to save the new charge category.

    The new charge category is added to the Charge Categories section.




Topic updated: 08/2024.