Advanced Search

An advanced search consists of terms and operators. There are two types of terms:

  • Single terms, such as a single word. For example, Jones.

  • Phrases, such as a group of words surrounded by quotation marks. Use quotation marks when you want to search for a specific phrase. For example, "David Jones" or order_type: “Sales Order” AND status: Completed.

An advanced search looks for your search string in specific product or agreement fields and can therefore return more specific results. The search string can consist of terms, wildcards, and operators. You can also use signs such as greater than (>), less than (<), plus (+), and minus (-).

You can perform an advanced searches in the Customers (both Customers and Accounts tabs), Orders, Services, Invoices, and Payments modules of the Customer Billing application. Advanced searches are performed by entering key-value pairs that stand for the customer, account, order, service, invoice, or payment details and desired values.

You may see a Customers and an Accounts tab or just the Accounts window, depending on the value for the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting. Refer to System Settings for more information about configuring system settings.

You can also perform an advanced searches for products and agreements in the Product Catalog application’s Products module or Agreements module, respectively.

To find a specific record, best practice is to use quotation marks around the entire name. Some characters, such as a dash (-), can be used as an operator and may cause unexpected results if not included in the quotation marks. Refer to Search Operators for more information about these operators.

Several parameters can be combined into a single search query. The following are a few examples that could be used in Customer Billing:

  • In the Customers search field:

    • customer_name: "Acme Brick" AND status: Active

    • customer_number: “7” AND “Suspended“

  • In the Accounts search field:

    • customer_name: "Sample User" AND status: Active ANDdunning_enabled: true

    • bill_cycle_name: “monthy_BC” OR “yearly_BC“

    • account_start_time: 01/01/2019 OR email: “”

    • auto_pay_enabled: true AND tax_exempt: true AND account_category: "All Accounts"

    • account_num “accountNames”

In the Product Catalog, you can search for either products or agreements with the same status. For example:

  • status:draft

  • status:active

Refer to the following topics for additional information about the search feature:




Topic updated: 03/2024.