Additional Fees Module

The Additional Fees module of the Products application manages additional fees and scripts.

Additional fees are calculated during a pause in the bill cycle run after the initial processing of eligible items on a billing account. An additional fee may apply to a billing account, responsible account, or a product (Applicability Level). It may be a percentage of charges or a flat amount and must be set up per currency. The user may define a maximum amount for the additional fee.

You can create the following options to be used with an Additional Fee:

  • Additional Fee Rules define the calculation of the fee using the sums defined under Fee Contributor Criteria, or an account custom field value, or literal values. You can create fee rules for Charge or Percentage type additional fees.

  • Fee Contributor Criteria (optional) define if preliminary invoice item charges relating to a list of Products, Product Categories, Price (Charge) Categories, Discount Charge Categories, or Activity (Usage) Charge Categories are to be included or excluded from one or both of two "sums" that are used by Additional Fee Rules.

  • Assessment Criteria (optional) define if preliminary invoice item charges relating to a list of Products, Product Categories, or Account Categories are to be included or excluded from the additional fee calculation.

When you define more than one of each of the three options (assessment criteria, fee contributor criteria, additional fee rules), Gotransverse will use one or the other. If you want all the options to be used (one and the others), define other additional fees and use a single criteria for each option that you want evaluated together using and.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about additional fees:




Topic updated: 03/2024.