Create Lockbox File
Refer to Example Lockbox Files for example of the format of lockbox files.
Each lockbox file must include the following lines:
Line 1 — A header line that provides information about the lockbox file: Information in the header line must be in the order listed. Each item in the header line must be separated from the following item by a single comma. Refer to the Contents of the Header Line table for an explanation of each part of the header line.
The name of the lockbox service company
The name or number of the lockbox
The name of your company
The date the lockbox file was created
The total value of the payments included in the lockbox file
Line 2 — Header labels (separated by a single comma) that identify the information that will be listed in the columns in the payment lines, each column corresponding to a header label. Refer to the Contents of the Header Labels Line table for an explanation of each column label.
Line Number
Account Number
Customer Name
Deposit Date
Bank Routing Number
Bank Account Number
Check Number
Invoice Number
Invoice Due Date
Invoice Amount
Lines 3 through nn (Detail Records) — Comma-separated values that correspond to the header labels in Line 2. Refer to Example Lockbox Filesfor examples.
The information in the header line (line 1) must be in the specified order.
Because Gotransverse recognizes (reads) the header labels (the labels that identify the data columns), you can put the column labels into any order that is most appropriate to your needs. However, if you change the order of the column labels, you must also ensure that the types of information in the columns match the header labels.
If you decide to include one or more optional items in the lockbox file, you must make sure that the optional items follow the same rules as required items.
Because Gotransverse recognizes (reads) the column labels and does not assume that the labels and columns are in a specific order, it is not necessary to add extra commas in an attempt to put the added labels in a correct or predetermined numerical position.
If you decide to omit information from one of the columns for which there is a header label, you must include a comma in place of the missing data to prevent Gotransverse from reading the information from the next column as if it were from the column whose information is missing. Reading the wrong information will cause the record to err.
The following table includes the contents of the Header line:
Information in the Header line must be in the specified order .
The following table includes the contents of the Header Labels line:
Header labels in the Header Labels line can be in any order as long as the corresponding data columns are in the same order.
Topic updated: 10/2024.