System Configuration

Specific roles and certain system settings are necessary to use the Gotransverse interface, because it is 100% API-driven. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

The availability of many features and options in the Gotransverse interface depends on proper configuration of roles and system settings. The administrator can assign roles and change system settings.

The following browsers, user roles, and system settings are recommended or required to use the Gotransverse interface:

If users in your company are having problems accessing features in Gotransverse, Gotransverse Technical Support can help you configure system settings.


Gotransverse supports Chrome, Safari 10.1.1 or higher, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. It is recommended to use the latest browser version.


Roles specify what applications users can access in Gotransverse. Roles enable the administrator to configure the features required by your business processes and allow only authorized users to access those features. You can assign roles for access. Refer to Role, Authority, and Levels Module for additional information.

Each user must be granted the appropriate roles:

  • Full Read Billing — Enables read-only access to Customer Billing application. This role allows assigned users to view customer accounts and related information without the ability to create new accounts or perform any actions on existing accounts.

  • GTV 2.0 Full Access — Enables full access to all Gotransverse applications.

System Settings

System settings are used to turn on features and processes when needed, or turn them off when they are not needed. An administrator can change system settings through the Admin application. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

System settings should be configured as follows:

Required System Settings
Setting Name Setting Description

Tenant API Version

1.33 or higher

Specifies the API version used by this tenant.

Allow the API to return deep query results


Allows the API to return all child objects of a queried object. False will only allow shallow results, which return only the EIDs (system generated unique identity numbers) of the child objects of the queried object.

API Version Validation


Enables validation of API requests against a specific version. Version is set in the Tenant API Version system setting.

Auto Payment Application Enabled


Defines how payments not associated to invoices get allocated. True indicates unassociated payments are automatically applied to open invoices. False indicates the user must manually define to which invoices the unassociated payments should be applied.

Usage Overwrite as Update


Enables edit usage event functionality; without this parameter enabled, editing will result in deleting the original event and creating a new event.

The Partial Cancel Enabled system setting is ignored in Gotransverse. Partial cancellation is supported by default.