View Lookup Tables

Usage lookup tables are used to simplify usage rule specifications by moving commonly referenced information into a table accessible by the rule. A lookup table consists of lookup entries used for grouping the charge information. Each entry includes a single key and up to 20 data values tied to the key. Using multiple data values for a single lookup table entry can help reduce the number of lookup tables needed for usage rules.

You can view usage lookup tables created in Rating & Billing or API 2.0. Refer to Usage Lookup Tables Module for more information.

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Usage in the left pane.

    Usage Window - Usage Events Tab

    Usage Window - Usage Events Tab

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. Click the Lookup Tables tab to see a list of lookup tables available for your tenant.

    Lookup Tables Window

    Lookup Tables Window

    To configure which columns display in the table, click Configure to open a drop-down list. Select or deselect column names. Click Restore Defaults to reset to the default columns. Click outside the drop-down list to close it. You can also export table contents to a CSV file by clicking Export. Only the records shown in the current view (maximum of 50 records) are exported. To export more or all records, change the number of records shown per page or export each page.

  4. Select a lookup table from the list to view detailed information.

    Lookup Table Information Window

    Lookup Table Details Window

    To filter the contents of the table, click Filter to open a slide-out window. Click the configure icon icon to select which filters display in the slide-out window, or click Restore Defaults to have the default filters display. Select filter options, and click the Apply button to close the window and apply filters. To clear filter settings, click Clear All. To close the slide-out window, click the Close button.

  5. The Lookup Table Details window includes the following details:

    • Lookup — The ID of the lookup table.

    • Lookup Name — The name of the lookup table.

    • Status — The status of the lookup table.

    • Description — The description for the lookup table.

      The information section can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the or icons, respectively.

  6. The Lookup Table Details window also includes the following detail tabs:

    • Entries — List of entries for the lookup table.

    • History — List of all changes to the lookup table.

  7. In the Entries detail tab table, select an entry to view all of the values associated with the key in the Usage Lookup Table Entry Key Details window.

    Labels for values can be customized in the Rating & Billing application. Refer to Usage Lookup Tables Module for more information.

    Lookup Tables Window - Usage Lookup Table Entry Information

    Lookup Table Details Window