Payments Evaluated for Retry Process

To be evaluated for the retry process, the failed payment should meet all conditions from the Retry Schedule: the specified account category, the payment amount exceeds the minimum amount specified, and the Generic Reason Code is mapped to the Payment Processor error which appears on the payment failure.

Also, the payment should be created within the date range of today minus the number of days specified in the retry_interval_days parameter of the Retry Schedule.

The following are examples of different scenarios:

Payments Have Never Been Retried

For the new payments (never been retried) that occurred on October 2-6, new Retry Series are created. However, only payments with the occurred_on value which equals “today” (October 6) minus the retry_interval_days value from the Retry Schedule are retried during the current payment retry process. In our example, these are the payments created on October 2.

Payments Have Never Been Retried

Payments Have Never Been Retried

Payments That Have Been Retried

The existing payments (have been previously retried) are retried only if they occurred “today” (October 6) minus the retry_interval_days value from the Retry Schedule. To be retried, the payment should be the latest one in the associated ACTIVE Retry Series.

Payments Have Been Retried

Payments Have Been Retried

Payments with Modified Retry Interval Value

In case the retry_interval_days value was modified and there are payments for which the Retry Series is already created but the date when they should have been retried was missed (due to the change), the processor will retry them as well once the Retry Payment job is run.

Payments with Modified Retry Interval Value

Payments with Modified Retry Interval Value

Only payments that failed after the ProcessAutoRecurringPaymentsQuartzJob is completed are evaluated for the retry process. For more details, refer to Global Errant Payments.