Bill Cycle Auto Run Management

The Bill Cycle Auto Run Management section shows a single row for each Bill Cycle where Auto Run has attempted to perform an action. This section does not show a history nor Bill Cycles that are not on Auto Run. For example, if there are three Bill Cycles named Cycle 1, Cycle 15, and Cycle 28, and only Cycle 1 and Cycle 28 are set for Auto Run, then there are no entries for Cycle 15.

The section includes the following information:

Bill Cycle Run Fields
Column Description
Bill Cycle Name The name you gave the Bill Cycle.
Sequence # The number of times this Bill Cycle has run.
Cut Off Date The date that the Bill Cycle period closes.
Last Attempt The date and time the Auto Run process last attempted to run this Bill Cycle.
Action The current step of the Bill Cycle run.
Status The real time state of the Bill Cycle.
Reason The reason if the action could not be run.

Click the Filter button to search through Auto Run billing. The Search or Filter criteria are as follows:

  • Bill Cycle — enter in the box the Bill Cycle name

  • Scheduled or unscheduled Auto Runs by using the drop-down list.

    • Scheduled Auto Runs are for Bill Cycles with closed Bill Cycle periods.

    • Unscheduled Auto Runs are for Bill Cycles with open Bill Cycle periods.

The Filter can be hidden again if not needed.