Change Payment

You can change a payment at any time by reallocating, canceling, refunding, or reversing it.

  • When you reallocate a payment, the payment is removed from one invoice and associated with another invoice or invoices on the same account.

  • When you cancel a payment, the payment status changes to Canceled. Any payment allocations are reversed, but funds are not returned to the customer. The account balance is updated. If you need to split a payment, first cancel the existing payment and then manually enter the new payment(s) on the account.

  • When you refund a payment (if the payment was made with a credit card), the funds are returned to the customer. The account balance is adjusted by the amount of the refund.

  • When you reverse a payment, the payment allocation is removed from an invoice. Once the payment is reversed, you can manually apply the payment to the appropriate invoice as needed.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about managing payments: