Customer Account Contact Emails

Complete the following steps to add or edit email addresses related to the customer:

  1. Perform an Account Search Module to locate the billing account.

    Account Search Results

    Account Search Results

  2. Click the account number active link under the Account # column to open the Account Details window.

    Account Details Window

    Account Details Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. Click the Account Name active link next to the Account Name field to open the Account Details window for the customer.

    Customer Account Number Active Link

    Customer Account Details Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  4. On the Account Details window, click the Add button above the Email Addresses section to add a new address or Edit next to an existing email address to change an email address to open either the Add Email Address or Edit Email Address window.

    Custom Account Details Window

    Custom Account Details Window

  5. On either the Add Email Address or Edit Email Address window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Add Email Address Window

    Add Email Address Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    The only difference between the two windows is that the Purposes field is only on the Add Email Address window.

    • Email* — A valid email address associated with the customer to which Gotransverse-generated emails are sent.

    • Purposes* — Only on the Add Email Address window. Select a purpose. You should select only one purpose for each email address. You can define either a primary email address or a secondary email address.

  6. Click Finish. The email address is saved and the email address is added to the Email Address section.

If desired, repeat this procedure to add or update additional email addresses for different purposes. For example, if you added or updated the primary email address, you may want to update the secondary email address.

If you are updating an email address, the previous email address of the type you are updating is archived.




Topic updated: 01/2024.