Configure Account Details

Complete the following steps to edit the account details for the customer's billing account:

  1. Perform an Account Search Module to locate the billing account.

    Account Search Results

    Account Search Results

  2. Click the account number active link under the Account # column to open the Account Details window.

    Account Details Window

    Account Details Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. On the Account Details window, in the Account Details section, click the Action button and select Configure Account Details to open the Account Billing Details window.

  4. On the Account Billing Details window, enter or edit the following information:

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Account Verification — Enter a customer-defined password or phrase for the account. Refer to Security Information and Account Verification.

    • External Account Id — Enter the External Account ID used in a system outside of Gotransverse for cross referencing.

    • Secret Question — Select a secret question for the customer to answer. Refer to Secret Questions Module.

      • Answer: Enter the customer's answer to the secret question.

    • Account Category* — Select an account category for the account.

    • Invoice Type* — Select one of the following options:

      • Paper: A traditional paper bill is delivered by the postal service (requires set up of FTP on company window).

      • Email: An email that includes the bill as an email attachment (requires customer email address).

      • None: No invoice is delivered to the customer. An invoice for the customer still can be viewed when you run a simulated bill cycle or bill cycle.

    • Payment Terms — Select the payment term for this account from the drop-down list. When Default is selected, invoices use the payment term defined by the account category (refer to Account Categories). If the account category does not have a payment term defined, the default payment term for the tenant is used (refer to Set Default Payment Term).

    • Preferred Language — Select the preferred language for the notifications for the billing account.

      When None is selected, notifications use the language defined by the account category (refer to Account Categories in the Setup application section). If the account category does not have a language defined, the default language for the tenant is used.

    • Auto Pay Offset — If the Auto Pay Offset has been defined in the account category (refer to Account Categories), that value displays in the Auto Pay Offset from Account Category field. If desired, enter a number in the Auto Pay Offset field to define the number of days difference between the invoice due date and the date of auto-payments for this account. The default value is 0. A value other than 0 schedules auto-payments on a date different from the invoice due date. For example, a value of -3 sets auto-payment to occur three days earlier than the invoice due date. A value of 0 sets auto-payment to occur on the invoice due date.

    • Minimum Invoice Amount — Enter a number to define the minimum invoice amount needed to generate an invoice. When the invoice amount is below the threshold, the invoice is suppressed.

      If the account is a managed account in a billing hierarchy, the Minimum Invoice Amount of the responsible account is used. When left undefined and no billing hierarchy exists, the minimum invoice threshold of the account category is used. If the account category does not have a minimum invoice threshold defined, there is not minimum invoice amount for the account.

    • Tax Exempt checkbox — Select the checkbox to exempt the account from tax. Otherwise, leave it blank to charge tax on orders.

    • Auto-Payment Authorized checkbox — Select the checkbox to authorize auto-payment of invoices when the account has a designated auto-payment payment method. Clear the checkbox to prevent auto-payments.

    • Calculate KPI Async — Pending charges (usage) summary KPIs can be calculated either inline with the API call or asynchronously in the background. If selected, pending charges are calculated asynchronously in the background.

  5. Click Finish to save the information on the Account Billing Details window.