User Passwords
Gotransverse requires the following conditions must be met when creating a user account password:
8 - 15 characters in length
Contain all of the following:
1 numeric value
1 lowercase letter
1 uppercase letter
1 special character: '!@#$%^&|*()_`~{};"?:<>=-
User passwords expire after 90 days and must be reset before the user can access Gotransverse.
PCI Compliance requires the following conditions also be met when creating and managing user account passwords:
Requires a minimum password length of at least seven characters.
Use passwords containing both numeric and alphabetic characters.
Do not allow an individual to submit a new password that is the same as any of the last four used passwords.
Change user passwords at least every 90 days.
Limit repeated access attempts by locking out the user ID after not more than six attempts.
Refer to the Knowledge Base article for more information about Payments PCI Compliance.