Revenue Recognition Trigger Posting Rule Templates

The following table describes each posting rule template, rule type, and description for the Revenue Recognition trigger category.

Posting Rule Templates and Rule Type
Posting Rule Template Rule Type Description

Revenue Recognition from Contracts

Revenue Schedule Parent, Revenue Schedule Allocation Price, REV_SCHED_AMT_FOR_PCTG

Creates monthly postings for revenue schedule events over a term.

On Rev Rec for Recurring with Price charge category and Agreement aware-Standard Suite


Recurring Negative, Recurring

Post on recurring charge with price charge category daily over the service period. If service has Agreement, use Agreement end date instead of service period end date to calculate amortization.

On daily revenue recognition from order date for expected customer lifetime - Charge Category, no currency

Onetime, Onetime Negative

Rev rec one time charge over expected customer lifetime after being deferred on order.

On daily revenue recognition for 12 months on order with charge category and optional currency and billing account category

Onetime Negative, Onetime

This rule will recognize daily revenue for a one time charge over a 12 month period and will begin either on Order Date or Order Approval Date.Optional Billing Account Category, Catch up entry and Currency parameters are also available.

On monthly rev rec with scheduled one time or recurring charge over agreement period no currency

Scheduled Negative, Onetime Negative, Onetime, Recurring Negative, Recurring, Scheduled

Recognize revenue monthly over agreement period on service.

On daily revenue recognition for agreement

Onetime Negative, Onetime, Recurring Negative, Recurring

Recognize revenue for each day for an agreement period. The revenue is on an invoice with a product sale on the specified charge category. Credit a G/L account and debit a G/L account.

On Rev Rec for Discount with Discount charge category and Agreement aware-Standard Suite

Discount Negative, Discount

Post on discount charge with discount charge category daily over the service period. If service has Agreement, use Agreement end date instead of service period end date to calculate amortization.

On Rev Rec for Discount with Price charge category and Agreement aware-Standard Suite

Discount Negative, Discount

Post on discount charge with product price charge category daily over the service period. If service has Agreement, use Agreement end date instead of service period end date to calculate amortization.