Payment Trigger Posting Rule Templates

The following table describes each posting rule template, rule type, and description for the Payment trigger category.

Posting Rule Templates and Rule Type
Posting Rule Template Rule Type Description

On all payment transactions with charge category

Payment, Payment Partial Cancel, Refund, Payment Cancel, Chargeback, Payment Apply, Payment Reverse

This rule gets triggered when a payment is completed, canceled, or refunded on the specified charge category. Credit a G/L account and debit a G/L account.

On payments with consolidated transaction types, charge category, optional fields, and foreign exchange

Payment, Refund, Payment Cancel, Payment Partial Cancel, Payment Apply, Payment Reverse

This rule gets triggered for any payment activity for the specified charge categories, charge types, and optional payment method fields. Journal entries for converted ledgers include foreign exchange true ups.

On payment apply post fx gain loss with charge category

Payment Apply

Post FX gain or loss on a payment apply.

On payment reverse post fx gain loss with charge category

Payment Reverse

Post FX gain or loss on a payment reverse.