Other Trigger Posting Rule Templates

The following table describes each posting rule template, rule type, and description for the Other trigger category.

Posting Rule Templates and Rule Type
Posting Rule Template Rule Type Description

ASC606 for non-unique revenue schedule with charge category and invoice based percentage revenue recognition

Revenue Schedule Parent, Revenue Schedule Allocation Price, REV_SCHED_AMT_FOR_PCTG

Posts accrual, catchup contract modification entries, and rev rec based on percentage of invoice.

On prepaid contribution activity with register type, register UOM, price charge category, and discount recognition type

Onetime Negative, Onetime

This rule fires one time orders for topping up prepaid usage.

On pending service cancel with charge category

Pending Recurring

Post on denying a pending service.

On prepaid usage consumption with register type, register UOM, price charge category, and discount recognition type

Usage Prepaid, Usage Prepaid Negative

This rule fires on usage events for prepaid consumption.