Invoice Trigger Posting Rule Templates

The following table describes each posting rule template, rule type, and description for the Invoice trigger category.

Posting Rule Templates and Rule Type
Posting Rule Template Rule Type Description

On invoice for usage with charge category and accrual to service period end date


Post invoiced usage with accrual.

On manual invoice for manual invoice reason

Manual Recurring

Post for a manual invoice with reason.

On manual invoice with charge category with optional parameters

Manual Recurring, Manual Recurring Negative, Manual One Time, Manual One Time Negative, Manual Scheduled, Manual Scheduled Negative, Manual Discount, Manual Discount Negative, Manual Usage, Manual Usage Negative, Manual Additional Fees, Manual Additional Fees Negative, Manual Debit Adjustment, Manual Debit Adjustment Negative, Manual Invoice AdHoc, Manual Invoice AdHoc Negative, Manual Tax, Manual Tax Negative, Manual Invoice Refund, Manual Invoice Refund Negative, Manual Invoice Discount Refund, Manual Invoice Discount Refund Negative, Manual Tax Refund, Manual Tax Refund Negative

Post on manual invoice charge creation.

On manual invoice for manual invoice reason charge category with optional parameters

Manual Recurring, Manual Recurring Negative, Manual Discount, Manual Discount Negative, Manual One Time, Manual One Time Negative, Manual Scheduled, Manual Scheduled Negative, Manual Usage, Manual Usage Negative, Manual Debit Adjustment, Manual Debit Adjustment Negative, Manual Additional Fees, Manual Additional Fees Negative, Manual Tax, Manual Tax Negative, Manual Invoice Discount Refund, Manual Invoice Discount Refund Negative, Manual Invoice Refund, Manual Invoice Refund Negative, Manual Tax Refund, Manual Tax Refund Negative, Manual Invoice AdHoc, Manual Invoice AdHoc Negative

Post for a manual invoice with reason charge category.

On revenue recognition for manual invoice with charge category and optional parameters

Manual Recurring, Manual Recurring Negative, Manual One Time, Manual One Time Negative, Manual Discount, Manual Discount Negative, Manual Usage, Manual Usage Negative, Manual Additional Fees, Manual Additional Fees Negative, Manual Debit Adjustment, Manual Debit Adjustment Negative, Manual Invoice Refund, Manual Invoice Refund Negative, Manual Invoice Discount Refund, Manual Invoice Discount Refund Negative, Manual Tax Refund, Manual Tax Refund Negative, Manual Tax, Manual Tax Negative, Manual Invoice AdHoc, Manual Invoice AdHoc Negative

Post on manual invoice charge creation.

On invoice debit adjustment with charge category and two account pairs

Debit Adjustment

This rule gets triggered when a debit adjustment gets invoiced on the charge category. Credit a G/L account and debit a G/L account.

On invoice discount with product charge category

Discount, Invoice Discount Refund

This rule gets triggered when an invoice is created with discount and on the product charge category. Credit a G/L account and debit a G/L account.

On Invoice for Discount with Discount charge category and Amount true-up-Standard Suite

Discount Negative, Discount

Post on discount with discount charge category when invoice is issued. True up Unbilled AR and Deferred Revenue if invoice amount has changed from service period accrual. Automatically adjusts entry for Discount or Discount Negative.

On invoice tax for tax inclusive Base tax offset charges.


This rule triggers on invoice for tax inclusive rounding adjustments for BaseOffset charge detail, with optional billing account category and currency. This rule will post an entry for all BaseOffset charges, regardless of charge category.

On invoice with charge category, optional fields, charge info type, and foreign exchange

Additional Fee, Additional Fee Negative, Debit Adjustment, Debit Adjustment Reverse, Invoice Refund, Invoice Refund Negative, Usage, Usage Negative, Invoice Discount Refund, Invoice Discount Refund Negative, Onetime, Onetime Negative, Tax, Tax Negative, Recurring, Recurring Negative, Scheduled, Scheduled Negative, Discount, Discount Negative, BASEOFFSET, BASEOFFSETNEGATIVE, Tax Refund, Tax Refund Negative, USAGEDISCOUNT, USAGEDISCOUNTNEGATIVE

This rule triggers on invoice for a charge info type (and its negative) and charge category, with optional billing account category, service custom field, and currency. Journal entries for converted ledgers include foreign exchange true ups.

On invoice for onetime accruals with charge category

Onetime Negative, Onetime

Posts invoiced onetime or onetime negative charge with fx gain loss entry.

On invoice with charge category, optional fields, and charge info type.

Additional Fee, Debit Adjustment, Invoice Refund, Usage, Invoice Discount Refund, Onetime, Tax, Recurring, Scheduled, Discount, BASEOFFSET

This rule triggers on invoice for the defined charge info type including the corresponding negative charge info type and charge category, with optional billing account category, service custom field, and currency.

On Invoice for Discount with Price charge category and Amount true-up-Standard Suite

Discount Negative, Discount

Post on discount with product price charge category when invoice is issued. True up Unbilled AR and Deferred Revenue if invoice amount has changed from service period accrual. Automatically adjusts entry for Discount or Discount Negative.

On invoice for additional fee with charge category and optional billing account category, and accrual to bill cycle run end date

Additional Fee, Additional Fee Negative

Post invoiced additional fee with accrual on bill cycle run close date.

On invoice post tax with State charge category


This rule triggers on a credit adjustment post.

On Invoice Tax with Charge Category, Billing Account Category, and optional currency

Tax Negative, Tax Refund, Tax Refund Negative, Tax

GL Rule that triggers when tax is on an invoice, where the charge category and billing account category match.

On Invoice for Recurring with Price charge category and Amount true-up-Standard Suite

Recurring Negative, Recurring

Post on recurring charge with price charge category when invoice is issued. True up Unbilled AR and Deferred Revenue if invoice amount has changed from service period accrual. Automatically adjusts entry for Recurring or Recurring Negative.