Usage Rules

Usage rules are applied to subscription and add-on products to evaluate usage events based on the determined allowance and rate. They detect a condition within a usage event and evaluate whether this condition is met. The rate is applied only if the consumed usage matches the associated usage rule.

For example, a customer ordered internet service and a provider uses a usage rule to govern the contract conditions. The usage rule consists of:

  • Rule of the Formula type set to date01 less than 03/12/2021.

  • Flat Rate of $10 per gigabyte.

  • Recurring Allowance of 50 gigabytes.

  • Recurring interval of 3.

  • Rollover is enabled.

In this example usage rule for a service, for dates before 03/12/2021, a customer is charged $10 for each gigabyte and they can not use more than 50 gigabytes total every three service periods. The Recurring interval value of 3 sets the number of service periods that would need to complete before the bill cycle resets or re-grants allowances to the service. If you selecting Rollover, any unconsumed allowance will be rolled over to the service periods of the next recurrence interval during the bill cycle run. Any unconsumed allowance would be rolled over to the immediate next open service period after the allowance was issued if we were using a one-time allowance in our example or if the recurrence interval was set to 1.

If the Rule Override property of a product is enabled, the usage rules added to the product carry forward as is and cannot be edited. If the Rule Override property is not enabled, the usage rules added to the product can be edited during the order process as well as when the order is placed and the product becomes a service on a billing account.

You can add usage rules:

  • To a subscription or add-on product.

  • To a subscription product on a Draft order.

  • To an active service.

Usage rules are executed according to a specified priority, which can be changed on an order or a service.

When needed, you can also edit or delete existing usage rules.

To view, create, modify, delete, and re-order usage rules, the Rule Override property on a product must be enabled during product creation. It allows for overriding the default rules configured on a product at the time of order.

If the Create Job system setting that initiates the Gotransverse Rerate Function is set to True, you cannot save or update a usage rule with a recurrence interval greater than 1.

Refer to the following topics for more information about usage rules: