Retrieve Manual Charge by ID

You can retrieve a manual charge by ID using the following endpoint:


Learn what you need to know to successfully retrieve a billing account in the Before You Start and Response sections below.

Before You Start

You will need the following when retrieving a manual charge by ID:

  • The id of the manual charge entity to retrieve as the endpoint's {id} path parameter.


  "type": "sourced",
  "id": "136496",
  "description": "string",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "quantity": 5,
  "amount": 625,
  "taxable": false,
  "unit_price": 125,
  "start_date": "2022-03-09T00:00:00-06:00",
  "end_date": "2022-03-09T00:00:00-06:00",
  "effective_date": "2022-03-09T00:00:00-06:00",
  "reason": {
    "reason_type": "manual-charge",
    "id": "487",
    "name": "string"
  "generated_charge": {
    "invoice_item_charge_type": "manual",
    "id": "70305"
  "posted_on": "2023-03-09T12:40:06-06:00",
  "posted_by": "string",
  "source_charge": {
    "invoice_item_charge_type": "charge",
    "id": "67187"

The following fields are returned when retrieving a manual charge:

  • type — The type of manual charge. The available value is sourced.

  • id — The ID of the manual charge.

  • description — A description of the manual charge.

  • status — The status of the manual charge. Possible values are:

    • DRAFT: Manual charge is created, can be edited or deleted, and is not eligible for bill cycle or bill batch processing.

    • POSTED: Manual charge is finalized, cannot be edited or deleted, and is eligible for bill cycle or bill batch processing.

    • COMPLETED: Manual charge was included in the bill cycle or bill batch process and the generated charge has been invoiced.

  • quantity — The quantity of the charge.

  • amount — The amount of the charge.

  • taxable — Specifies whether the charge is taxable.

    • TRUE: Tax is calculated for the charge when invoiced.

    • FALSE: Tax is not calculated for the charge when invoiced.

  • unit_price — The unit price of the charge.

  • start_date — The date and time the charge starts.

  • end_date — The date and time the charge ends.

  • effective_date — The date and time the manual charge becomes effective. This date determines the bill cycle in which the charge is generated and invoiced.

  • reason — The reason for the manual charge.

    • reason_type: The type of reason. Possible values are manual-charge and manual-invoice.

    • id: The ID of the reason.

    • name: The name of the reason.

  • The generated_charge object below is returned only when the status of the manual charge is COMPLETED or when the status is POSTED but the related invoice still has a status of PROCESSING.

  • generated_charge — The invoice item charge object generated based on the manual charge and source charge details.

    • invoice_item_charge_type: The type of invoice item charge generated from the manual charge. The available value is manual.

    • id: The ID of the invoice item charge generated from the manual charge.

  • The posted_on and posted_by fields below are returned only when the status of the manual charge is POSTED or COMPLETED.

  • posted_on — The date and time the manual charge was posted.

  • posted_by — The username of the user who changed the status of the manual charge to POSTED.

  • source_charge — The invoice item charge object the manual charge was based on.

    • invoice_item_charge_type: The type of source invoice item charge. Possible values are charge, manual-usage, manual-usage-discount, usage, usage-discount.

    • id: The ID of the source invoice item charge.




Topic Updated: 7/2024.