Retrieve Manual Charge Reason by ID

You can retrieve a manual charge reason by ID using the following endpoint:


Before You Start

You will need the following when retrieving a manual charge reason by ID:

  • The id of the manual charge reason entity to retrieve as the endpoint's {id} path parameter.


  "id": "384",
  "name": "Default Manual Charge Reason",
  "description": "Default Manual Charge Reason Description",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "reason_type": "manual-charge",
  "charge_category": {
      "id": "1547466",
      "charge_category_type": "manual-charge",
      "name": "Default Manual Charge Charge Category"

The following fields are returned when retrieving a manual charge reason:

  • id — The ID of the manual charge reason.

  • name — The name of the manual charge reason.

  • description — (optional) A description of the manual charge reason.

  • status — The status of the manual charge reason.

    • ACTIVE: The reason is an available value for a new manual charge.

    • SUSPENDED: The reason is not an available value for a new manual charge. The reason can be made active again in the future.

    • CANCELED: The reason is not an available value for a new manual charge. The reason can be made active again in the future. The reason can be deleted if it has not been used in a manual charge.

  • reason_type — The type of reason. The only possible value is manual-charge.

  • charge_category — The charge category associated with the manual charge reason.

    • id: The ID of the charge category.

    • charge_category_type: The charge category type.

    • name: The name of the charge category.




Topic Updated: 11/2023.