Delete Customer Address

You can delete an email, postal address, or phone number for a customer using the following endpoint:


Learn what you need to know to successfully delete an address in the Considerations, Before You Start, and Response sections below.


Consider the following when deleting an address:

  • Once an address has been deleted, it can no longer be retrieved.

  • A customer postal address with a purpose of SERVICE cannot be deleted when the Mandatory Service Address system setting is True. Refer to Add or Replace Customer Postal Address to update an address rather than deleting it.

  • A customer postal address with a purpose of BILLING cannot be deleted when the Mandatory Billing Address system setting is True. Refer to Add or Replace Customer Postal Address to update an address rather than deleting it.

  • A customer email address with a purpose of PRIMARY cannot be deleted when the customer is the responsible party for a billing account with a bill_type of EMAIL or PAPER_EMAIL. The primary email addressed is required to receive invoices via email. Refer to Add or Replace Customer Email Address to update the primary email address rather than deleting it.

Before You Start

You will need the following when deleting an address:

  • The id of the customer entity to update as the endpoint's {customer_id} path parameter.

  • The id of the address entity to delete as the endpoint's {id} path parameter.


The following response is returned when a address is successfully deleted:

204 — Successful request. No content returned.




Topic Updated: 07/2024.