Filtering Use Cases

The following API request filters bill cycles against the following criteria:

  • Bill cycle type must be Monthly.

  • Bill cycle name must start with ‘Bill’ OR the bill cycle ID must be less than 9809.

GET /bill-cycles?filter=bill_cycle_type EQ 'monthly' AND (name LIKE 'Bill %' OR id LT '9809')

The following API request filters billing accounts against the following criteria:

  • Billing account number must be greater than 7.

  • Billing Account currency must be USD.

  • Billing account status must be Active.

  • Associated bill cycle ID must be less than 555 OR the bill type must not be None.

GET /billing-accounts?filter=account_num GT '7' AND currency_code EQ 'USD' AND status EQ 'ACTIVE' AND (bill_cycle_id LT '555' OR bill_type NEQ 'NONE')