Query Parameters

Query parameters define how to filter and organize the query results from GET endpoints that return an array of values. Query parameters are specific to each endpoint and they are listed in the Request section of the API reference documentation under Query Parameters.

Query Parameters in API Reference Documentation

Query Parameters in API Reference Documentation

To filter query results, add one or more query parameters at the end of the request URI after a question mark (?). Query parameters and their values are name-value pairs, which are separated with an equals sign (=). Each name-value pair is separated by an ampersand (&).


Example Request URI with Query Parameters


The following query parameters are commonly available for most GET endpoints:

Common Query Parameters
Name Description Data Type Notes


Use Gotransverse API Query Language to filter the query results using the available query parameters.


Refer to Filter Query Parameter.


Sort query results in ascending or descending order using the available sortable query parameters for the endpoint.


Default is to sort results by the ID in ascending order.

Refer to Sort Query Parameter.


Specifies if the API response returns all expandable entities as expanded or not expanded.


  • FULL


Default value is FULL.


The quantity of pages of results to return. Value must be >0.

  • 1 — Returns one page with all results.

  • >2 — Returns multiple pages of results with the page_ size value defining how many results are listed on each page.


Default value is 1.


The quantity of results returned per page when the page_number query parameter value is >2.

Value must be 1 - 50.


Default value is 50.


Specifies whether the total number of results are returned in the API response. Available values are:

  • TRUEX-total-count and X-total-pages are not returned in the response header. This may improve the response time when querying a large data sets.

  • FALSEX-total-count and X-total-pages are returned in the response header.


Default value is FALSE.

Refer to the following topics for more information: