Gotransverse Microservices

Gotransverse supports nine API JSON REST microservices, which you can use to customize your environment to meet the needs of your organization.

The following is a table of the Gotransverse microservices. Each row includes links to the API Reference Documentation and the user guide section for each microservice.

API Reference Documentation Description User Guides

Billing External Link

This microservice provides core functionality for the Gotransverse billing platform. Create and manage billing accounts, products, orders, services, billing, invoicing, and payments.


Certificate Management External Link

Store and manage certificates for mutual TLS authentication for a tenant. Authentication enhances security between Gotransverse and your host.

Certificate Management

Currex External Link

Store and manage multiple collections of exchange rates for the enabled currencies.


Dunning External Link

Create and manage Dunning Plans and Tiers and Payment Retry Schedules.


Revenue Management External Link

Retrieve and store objects for General Ledger purposes.

Revenue Management

Stored Value Service External Link

Create and manage stores and prepaid registers to enable customers to fund a register and then draw down on the balance through usage consumption.

Stored Valued Service

Tax Essentials External Link

Create and manage tax tables and calculate taxes for products and services without the need for a third party tax service.

Tax Essentials

Usage Processing Pipeline External Link

Submit usage for rating asynchronously.

Usage Processing Pipeline

Usage Processing Pipeline Webhook External Link

Receive callbacks with rating results via API webhooks.

Usage Processing Pipeline Webhook

This section presents the list of API JSON REST microservices available in the Gotransverse billing platform. It also includes all the endpoints and methods available for each microservice together with the payload examples.

Refer to the Gotransverse User Guide for additional information about each of the microservices and the more advanced functionality of API 2.0.

The Downloads section includes all Postman collections for all Gotransverse microservices.




Topic Updated: 5/2024.