Supported Actions by Entity
Y = Yes, the entity supports the call.
I = Indirectly, through a different entity or a command.
Blank = No, the entity does not support the call
Refer to API Version 1.33for more information about each entity.
Entity | Notes | POST (Create) | GET (Query) | POST (Commands) | PUT (Update) |
AccountingStatus | Not stand alone. Query through GLAccountCategory or GeneralLedger and it is called "status," or as part of BillCycle. |
AccountType | Not stand alone. Query through GLAccountCategory or GLAccount. |
Actions | Refer to ProductSaleAction or ServiceAction. |
AddAddressToParty | Use the mount point for People or Organization. |
AddAgreementToService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
AddAddressToService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
AddCounterToService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
AddCustomFieldValueToBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
AddCustomFieldValueToOrder | Use the mount point for Order. |
I |
AddCustomFieldValueToService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
AddInvoiceApplicationToAdjustment | Use the mount point for Adjustment. |
I |
AdditionalFeeInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for AdditionalFeeInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
addParentBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
AddPersonToBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
AddRecurringPaymentToBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
AddServiceResourceToService |
Use the mount point for Service. |
AddServiceUsageRuleToService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
Adjustment | Create, Post, Put, and Delete the Adjustment separately use this mount point. | Y |
Y |
AdjustmentApplications | AdjustmentApplications are used in Adjustment. Refer to StandardInvoiceAdjustmentApplication or ReversedInvoiceAdjustmentApplication.) |
Y |
AdjustmentCategory | Use in Agreement for Agreement Termination Fees. |
I |
AdjustmentInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for AdjustmentInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
AdjustmentReason | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Use when creating Adjustment. |
AdjustmentReasonStatus | Not stand-alone. Queried through AdjustmentReason. |
I |
AdjustmentStatus | Not stand-alone. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Use when creating Adjustment. |
AdjustmentType | Not stand-alone. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Use when creating Adjustment. |
Agreement | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in AgreementService, AgreementConfiguration, and OrderItem. |
AgreementConfiguration | Not stand-alone. Queried through OrderItem. |
AgreementCounterResetCriteria | Not stand-alone. Queried and used through UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
AgreementEndAction | Not stand-alone. Queried through Agreement, AgreementConfiguration, or AgreementService. |
AgreementService |
Y |
AgreementStatus | Not stand-alone. Query as part of Agreement. |
AllowanceType | Used in ProductUsageRule, OrderItemUsageRule, and ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
ApplyPayment | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
ApplyRefund | Use the mount point for Payment. |
ApplyRemainaingPaymentToInvoice | Use the mount point for Invoice. |
I |
ApprovalOperation | Use the mount point "Operations." Used in ProductSaleOperationAttribute in OrderItem, and in ProductSaleAction and ServiceAction. |
ApproveAction | Use the mount point for SalesOrder. |
ApproveOrderItem | Use the mount point for OrderItem. |
I |
BankAccountType | Enter either "savings" or "checking." Query and use as part of BankPaymentMethod. |
BankPaymentMethod | Queried and used through BillingAccountRecurringPayment and Payment and Refund. | I |
BillCycle | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. |
BillCycleType | Queried through BillCycle. |
BillingAccount | Update Call can update the following elements: billType, whether or not has an automaticRecurringPayment, and externalAccountNum. Also used in Payment, Refund, BillingAccountRecurringPayment, Service, Invoice, SalesOrder, RenewalOrder, Adjustment, as well as the BillingAccount Commands. For commands, refer to ApplyPayment, AddRecurringPaymentToBillingAccount, ChangeServiceCommand, SuspendBillingAccount, ResumeBillingAccount, DeactivateBillingAccount, and CreateDraftOrder and VoidDraftOrder (ConfirmOrder is on the SalesOrder mount point). | Y |
Y |
BillingAccountCategory | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in BillingAccount. |
BillingAccountCategoryStatus | Queried through BillingAccountCategory. |
I |
BillingAccountRecurringPayment | The mount point is "recurringPayments." | I |
I |
BillingAccountSegment | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in BillingAccount. |
Y |
BillingAccountSegmentField | Query for list of choices. Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in BillingAccountSegment. |
Y |
BillingAccountSegmentFieldType | Queried and used through BillingAccountSegmentField. | I |
BillingAccountSegmentStatus | Queried and used through BillingAccountSegment. |
I |
BillingAccountStatus | Queried through BillingAccount. |
BillType | Enter "paper" or "email" or "none." Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
CancelPayment | Use the mount point for Payment. |
I |
CardType | Enter one of the credit card types including but not limited to: Visa, MasterCard. Queried through CreditCardPaymentMethod. |
CashPaymentMethod | Queried through Payment and Refund. | I |
ChangeOrder |
I |
ChangeOrderItemScheduledCharges |
ChangeOrderItemOneTimePriceCharges |
ChangeParentBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
ChangeService | This is a response. Refer to ChangeServiceCommand. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
ChangeServiceCommand | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
ChangeServiceResource | Use the mount point for ServiceResource. |
ChangeServiceScheduledCharges |
ChangeServiceScheduledOneTimeCharges |
CheckPaymentMethod | Queried through Payment and Refund. | I |
ConfirmOrder | Confirm a Draft SalesOrder. Use the mount point for SalesOrder. |
I |
CounterEntityRelationType | Queried and used through UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
Counters | Counters are used in Service. Refer to UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, or UsageRuleCounter. |
Y |
CounterStatus | Queried and used through UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
CounterType | Queried and used through UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
CreateDraftOrder | Create a Draft SalesOrder. Use the mount point for BillingAccount and the Call Command. |
I |
CreditCardPaymentMethod | Queried through Payment, Refund, BillingAccountRecurringPayment, and ReferencedCreditCardPaymentMethod. | I |
I |
Currency |
Y |
CurrencyType | Used through Currency, BillingAccount, BillCycle, RecurringProductPrice, OneTimeProductPrice, PriceRange, Agreement, GLAggregateEntry, GLAccount, GeneralLedger, GLAccountingEntry, GLAccountingTransaction, Discount, TenantOrderItem, and UsageDurationUom. |
I |
CustomField | Also used in CustomFieldValue. |
Y |
CustomFieldType | Queried through CustomField. |
I |
CustomFieldValue | Also queried in BillingAccount, Service, OrderItem, SalesOrder, and RenewalOrder. |
Y |
DailyBillCycle | Use the mount point for BillCycle. |
DeactivateBillingAccount |
Use the mount point for BillingAccount. Deactivating a Billing Account is permanent and the Billing Account cannot be brought back. |
DeactivateService |
Use the mount point for Service. Deactivating a Service on a Billing Account is permanent and the Service cannot be brought back. To have that Service again, a new Service would need to be added. |
DeactivateServiceResource | Use the mount point for ServiceResource. |
DeactivationReason | Use the mount point "Reasons." Then use the reason in the DeactivateBillingAccount command. |
DenyAction | Use the mount point for SalesOrder. |
DenyOrderItem | Use the mount point for OrderItem. |
I |
Discount | Also used in DiscountCode. |
Y |
DiscountCategory | Also used in Discount. |
Y |
DiscountCategoryStatus | Query and use through DiscountCategory. |
I |
DiscountChargeCategory | Also used in DiscountCode. |
Y |
DiscountCode |
Y |
DiscountCodeService |
DiscountCodeStatus | Query and use through DiscountCode. |
I |
DiscountConfiguration |
DiscountIdentifier | Also used in OrderItem. |
Y |
DiscountIdentifierStatus | Query and use through DiscountIdentifier. |
I |
DiscountStatus | Query and use through Discount. |
I |
DiscountType | Query and use through Discount. |
I |
EmailAddress | Create as part of Person or Organization. Also used in CreditCardPaymentMethod, BankPaymentMethod, OrderItem, ProductSaleOperationAttribute, and AddAddressToParty. | I |
EmailAddressPurpose | Part of EmailAddress. |
EmailOperation | Use the mount point "Operations." Used in ProductSaleOperationAttribute in OrderItem, and in ProductSaleAction and ServiceAction. |
I |
EntityType | Used in Queries only. |
FailureReason | Used by Gotransverse in Entity FaultResponse. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
Fault | Used by Gotransverse for messages of API Failure. | - - | - - | - - | - - |
FaultResponse | The Batch call returns a list of responses and a list of errors. The faultResponse is contained in the list of errors. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
FieldType | Used in CustomField. |
I |
FlatUsageRate | Used in OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, and ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
FormulaOrderItemUsageRule | Used in ServiceUsageRule and OrderItemUsageRules. |
I |
FormulaProductUsageRule | Used in FormulaOrderItemUsageRule and ProductUsageRules. |
I |
FormulaServiceUsageRule | Used in AddServiceUsageRuleToService, RemoveServiceUsageRuleFromService, and ServiceUsageRules. |
I |
GeneralLedger | Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in GLAccount. |
GeneratePaymentCollectionReferrerToken | PCI-compliant manner to store Customers' credit card numbers when Customers use Self Care portal. Use the mount point for Payment. |
GenerateReferrerToken | Deprecated. Use GeneratePaymentCollectionReferrerToken. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
GenericServiceResourceStatus | Not stand-alone. Queried through ServiceResource. | I |
I |
GLAccount | Create in the Gotransverse GUI. The list of GLAccounts is the Chart of Accounts. Also used in GeneralLedger, GLAccountingEntry, and GLAggregateEntry, as well as itself (GLAccount) in a parent-child relationship. |
GLAccountCategory | Create in the Gotransverse GUI. Also used in GLAccount. |
GLAccountingEntry | Gotransverse creates G/L Accounting Entries from posted transactions. |
GLAggregateBatch | Gotransverse creates G/L Aggregate Batches from G/L Aggregate Entries. In the GUI, this is "GL Extract Batch." |
Y |
GLAggregateEntry | Gotransverse creates G/L Aggregate Entries. |
GLAggregateEntryType | Queried through GLAggregateEntry. |
GLExtractBatchStatus | Queried through GLAggregateBatch and GLTransactionBatch. |
GlobalOrderItemUsageRule | Used in ServiceUsageRule and OrderItemUsageRules. |
I |
GlobalProductUsageRule | Used in GlobalOrderItemUsageRule and ProductUsageRules. |
I |
GlobalServiceUsageRule | Used in AddServiceUsageRuleToService, RemoveServiceUsageRuleFromService, and ServiceUsageRules. |
I | I |
GlobalUsageRule | Used in GlobalProductUsageRule, GlobalOrderItemUsageRule, and GlobalServiceUsageRule. |
I |
GlobalUsageRuleStatus | Queried through GlobalUsageRule. |
I |
HttpRequestOperation | Use the mount point "Operations." Used in ProductSaleOperationAttribute in OrderItem, and in ProductSaleAction and ServiceAction. |
I |
InventoryItem | Also used in OrderItem, ServiceDeviceInventoryItem. | Y | I |
InventoryItemStatus | Queried and used through InventoryItem. |
Invoice | Also used in Adjustment, StandardInvoiceAdjustmentApplication, ReversedInvoiceAdjustmentApplication, NegativeInvoiceAdjustmentApplication, GLInvoiceAccountingTransaction, and the commands ApplyPayment, ReallocatePayment, AddInvoiceApplicationToAdjustment, ReverseInvoiceApplicationFromAdjustment. |
Y |
InvoiceItem | Also used in Invoice and GLAccountingEntry. |
InvoiceItemCharge | Also used in InvoiceItem. |
InvoiceItemType | Query through Invoice, AdditionalFeeInvoiceItem, AdjustmentInvoiceItem, ProductInvoiceItem, ServiceInvoiceItem, TaxInvoiceItem, UsageInvoiceItem, or GLAccountingEntry. |
I |
InvoiceStatus | Queried through Invoice. |
MatchAllOrderItemUsageRule | Used in ServiceUsageRule and OrderItemUsageRules. |
I |
MatchAllProductUsageRule | Used in MatchAllOrderItemUsageRule and ProductUsageRules. |
I |
MatchAllServiceUsageRule | Used in AddServiceUsageRuleToService, RemoveServiceUsageRuleFromService, and ServiceUsageRules. |
I | I |
MonthlyBillCycle | Use the mount point for BillCycle. |
MoveBillingAccountToBillCycle | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
NegativeInvoiceAdjustmentApplication | Use the mount point "AdjustmentApplications." |
I |
OneTimeProductPrice | Query for list of choices. Used in Product. Use the mount point for either OneTimeProductPrices or ProductPrices. |
Y |
OperationAttributes | Refer to ProductSaleOperationAttribute. |
Operations | Refer to ApprovalOperation or HttpRequestOperation or EmailOperation. |
OrderBy | Used by Gotransverse to put the results of a query in ascending or descending order. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
OrderItem | Also used in TenantOrderItem and TaxOrderItem, SalesOrder and RenewalOrder, and the commands ApproveOrderItem and DenyOrderItem. |
OrderItemCharge | Also used in BillingAccount. |
OrderItemUsageRule | Query. Also used in FormulaOrderItemUsageRule, GlobalOrderItemUsageRule, and MatchAllOrderItemUsageRule. |
Y |
OrderItemUsageRuleStatus | Query through OrderItemUsageRule. |
I |
Orders | Refer to SalesOrder or RenewalOrder. |
Y |
OrderStatus | Query and use in SalesOrder, and RenewalOrder. |
I |
Organization | Not stand alone. Create as part of BillingAccount. Use Command to add new "addresses," and Update to change the Organization's "name." | I |
Y |
ParameterAndValue | Used to build complex buildable query. |
PartyCategory | Also used in Person. |
Y |
PartyCategoryStatus | Queried through PartyCategory. |
I |
PassThroughUsageRate | Used in OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, and ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
PayByPayPalPaymentMethod | Used in Payment and Refund. | I | I | I |
>Payment | Payment to a Billing Account. Payment can be applied directly to the Billing Account, or to an Invoice, or to an Order in progress. Create payment, then to post the payment, use ApplyPayment through the BillingAccount mount point. Also used in Refund, SalesOrder, and RenewalOrder. Commands for Payment include ApplyRefund, ConfirmOrder, CancelPayment, and ReallocatePayment. | Y |
PaymentApplications | Refer to ReversedInvoicePaymentApplication or StandardInvoicePaymentApplication. |
Y |
PaymentApplicationsType | Queried and used in StandardInvoicePaymentApplication and ReversedInvoicePaymentApplication |
I |
PaymentStatus | Queried through Payment and Refund. |
PaymentTerm | Also used in BillingAccount and BillingAccountCategory. |
Y |
PayPalPaymentMethod | Queried through Payment, Refund, or BillingAccountRecurringPayment. | I |
People | For paging purposes. Refer to Person. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
Person | Not stand alone. Create as part of BillingAccount. Use Command to add new "addresses," and Update to change the Person's "name." | I |
Y |
PostAdjustment | Use the mount point for Adjustment to post the adjustment that you created. |
PostalAddress | Create as part of Person or Organization. Query as part of Person or Organization. Also use in AddAddressToParty. | I |
PostalAddressPurpose | Part of PostalAddress. |
PriceCategoryStatus | Used in AdjustmentCategory, DiscountChargeCategory, and UsagePriceCategory. |
I |
PriceList | Used in OrderItem. |
PriceRange | Query by the name of "ProductPriceRange." Used in RecurringProductPrice or OneTimeProductPrice. |
PriceType | Queried through RecurringProductPrice or OneTimeProductPrice. |
Product | Query for list of choices. Then enter the eid of the Product in OrderItem during a Sales Order. Create in the GUI. Also used in Service, AgreementService, OrderItem, InventoryItem, AgreementConfiguration, ProductRelation. |
ProductCategory | Query for list of choices. Used in Product. |
ProductCategoryStatus | Not stand alone. Queried and used through ProductCategory. |
ProductPrice (now RecurringProductPrice or OneTimeProductPrice) | Query for list of choices. Used in Product, OrderItem, and TaxOrderItem. |
ProductInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for ProductInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
ProductRelation | Created in the GUI. Query for list of choices. Then add the Related Product during a SalesOrder. |
ProductRelationType | Query through ProductRelation. |
ProductSaleAction | Use the mount point "Actions." |
ProductSaleOperationAttribute | Use the mount point "OperationAttributes." Query and use through OrderItem. |
ProductTag | Create in the GUI. Query and use through Product. |
Y |
ProductTypeCode | Query and use through Product. |
ProductUsageRule | Query for list of choices. Use through Product, FormulaProductUsageRule, GlobalProductUsageRule, MatchAllProductUsageRule. |
Y |
ProductUsageRuleStatus | Queried through ProductUsageRule. |
I |
QuarterlyBillCycle | Use the mount point for BillCycle. |
QueryScope | Used through most Entities. Changes the quantity of information returned in a Query. |
I |
RateTable | Query for list of choices. Also used in TableUsageRate. |
Y |
ReallocatePayment | Use the mount point for Payment. |
I |
Reasons | Refer to DeactivationReason or SuspensionReason or RefundReason or ServiceDeactivationReason or ServiceSuspensionReason. |
I |
ReasonType | Not stand alone. Query as part of DeactivationReason,SuspensionReason, or RefundReason. |
RecurrencePeriod | Used in RecurringProductPrice orOneTimeProductPrice. |
I |
ReferencedCreditCardPaymentMethod | Queried and used through Payment, Refund, or BillingAccountRecurringPayment. | I |
Referrer | Gotransverse response for GeneratePaymentCollectionReferrerToken. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
Refund | Refund back to the payment method. Does not affect BillingAccount balance.To create the Refund, use (Create) POST with the mount point for Refund. To post the refund, use (Command) POST with the mount point for Payment. | Y |
I |
RefundReason | Use the mount point "Reasons." Then use the Reason in ApplyRefund. |
RemoveAddressFromService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
RemoveAdjustment | Use the mount point for Adjustment. |
I |
RemoveCustomFieldValueFromBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
RemoveCustomFieldValueFromOrder | Use the mount point for "Orders." |
I |
RemoveCustomFieldValueFromService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
RemoveParentBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
RemovePersonFromBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
RemoveServiceResourceFromService | Use the mount point for Service. |
RemoveServiceUsageRuleFromService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
RenewalOrder | Used in "Orders." |
Y | I |
RenewService | Use the mount point for Service. |
I |
RequestServiceResource | Use the mount point for ServiceResource. |
RequestedServiceResource | This is a Command response. | - - |
- -
- -
- - |
ResumeBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
ResumeService | Use the mount point for Service. |
ReverseAdjustment | Use the mount point for Adjustment. |
I |
ReverseDebitAdjustment | Use the mount point for Adjustment. |
I |
ReversedInvoiceAdjustmentApplication | Use the mount point "AdjustmentApplications." |
I |
ReversedInvoicePaymentApplication | Use the mount point "PaymentApplications." |
I |
ReverseInvoiceApplicationFromAdjustment | Command. Use the mount point for Adjustment. |
I |
RollOverType | Query and use through OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
RuleType | Query and use through OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
SalesOrder | Create a SalesOrder and Query a SalesOrder or Draft Sales Order. For commands refer to ApproveAction and DenyAction, and ConfirmOrder (a DraftSalesOrder). (CreateDraftOrder and VoidOrder are on the BillingAccount mount point.) | Y |
ScheduledCharge | Query. Also used in ServicePrice and OrderItem. |
Y |
ScheduledOneTimePriceCharge |
SegmentedMonthlyBillCycle | Use the mount point for BillCycle. |
I |
Service | Query for list of subscriptions that include subscriptions that the customer had in the past and has currently. Used in the Billing Account. For commands refer to AddAgreementToService, AddServiceResourceToService, RemoveServiceResourceFromService, SuspendService, ResumeService, or DeactivateService. | I |
Y | Y |
ServiceAction | Use the mount point for "Actions." |
ServiceDeactivationReason | Use the mount point "Reason." |
I |
ServiceDeviceInventoryItem | The inventory item that represents a service device. Used in OrderItem. |
ServiceInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for ServiceInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
ServicePeriod | Query. Used in Service. Create in the GUI. |
Y |
ServicePeriodCounterResetCriteria | Not stand-alone. Queried and used through UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
ServicePrice | Query. Used in Service. Create in the GUI. |
Y |
ServicePriceRange | Query. Used in ServicePrice. Create in the GUI. |
Y |
ServiceResource | Used in Service, OrderItem, ServiceDeviceInventoryItem. Commands include RequestServiceResource, ChangeServiceResource, DeactivateServiceResource, AddServiceResourceToService and RemoveServiceResourceFromService. | Y |
Y |
ServiceResourceCategory | Query for list of choices. Used in ServiceResource, Product, RequestServiceResource. |
ServiceResourceCategoryStatus | Not stand alone. Queried through ServiceResourceCategory. |
ServiceResourceType | Not stand alone. Query as part of ServiceResourceCategory, UsageEvent. |
I |
ServiceSuspensionReason | Use the mount point "Reason." |
I |
ServiceUsageRule | Query. Used in Service, FormulaServiceUsageRule, GlobalServiceUsageRule, and MatchAllServiceUsageRule. Used in the commands AddServiceUsageRuleToService and RemoveServiceUsageRuleFromService. |
Y |
ServiceUsageRuleStatus | Query as part of ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
SqlOperator | Queried as part of ParameterAndValue. |
StandardInvoiceAdjustmentApplication | Use the mount point "AdjustmentApplications." |
Y |
StandardInvoicePaymentApplication | Use the mount point "PaymentApplications." |
Y |
SuspendBillingAccount | Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
SuspendService | Use the mount point for Service. |
SuspensionReason | Use the mount point "Reason." Then use the Reason in the SuspendService command. |
SystemSetting | Query to view 4 of the System Settings. Viewing the other 80+ System Settings or changing any of them is done through the GUI. |
Y |
TableUsageRate | Query and use through OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
TaxInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for TaxInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
TaxOrderItem | Used in OrderItems. |
TaxOrderItemCharge | Used in OrderItemCharges. |
TelecomAddress | Create as part of Person or Organization. Cannot be queried separately. Query Person or Organization, BillingAccount, SalesOrder, or Payment. | I |
TelecomAddressPurpose | Part of Telecom Address. |
TenantOrderItem | Used in OrderItems. |
UpdateOpenCounters | Use the mount point for "Counter" and define whether it is UsageChargeCounter, UsageEventCounter, or UsageRuleCounter, and the parameter. Update for name, description, threshold. |
Y |
UsageChargeCounter | Use the mount point "Counters." |
Y |
UsageDurationUom | Used in UsageEvent, RateTable, OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, ServiceUsageRule, FlatUsageRate, PassThroughUsageRate, TableUsageRate, and UsageRuleCounter. |
I |
UsageEvent | If usage is tracked, this entity is used in the ServicePeriod and VoidUsageEvent. Command is for VoidUsageEvent. |
-UsageEventCounter- | Use the mount point "Counters." |
Y |
UsageFieldName | Used in PassThroughUsageRate, TableUsageRate, FormulaOrderItemUsageRule, FormulaProductUsageRule, FormulaServiceUsageRule. |
I |
UsageFieldOperato | Used in FormulaOrderItemUsageRule, FormulaProductUsageRule, FormulaServiceUsageRule. |
I |
UsageInvoiceItem | Query directly or through Invoice using the mount point for UsageInvoiceItem or the mount point for InvoiceItem. |
Y |
UsageLookupTable | Query. Also used in FormulaOrderItemUsageRule, FormulaProductUsageRule, FormulaServiceUsageRule. |
Y |
UsageLookupTableEntry | Query. |
Y |
UsageLookupTableStatus | Query through UsageLookupTable. |
I |
UsagePriceCategory | Used in OrderItemUsageRule, ProductUsageRule, ServiceUsageRule. |
I |
UsageRateStatus | Used in RateTable. |
I |
UsageRule | Exists for a Product with usage that has the Product Type "Service." Used in ServicePeriod. If the Product does NOT have usage, the Product will not have Usage Rules. Create Usage Rules in the Gotransverse GUI. |
UsageRuleCounter | Use the mount point Counters. |
Y |
VoidDraftOrder | Voids an Order that has the status of Draft. If the Order status is beyond "Draft" the Order cannot be voided. Use the mount point for BillingAccount. |
I |
VoidUsageEvent | Reverses a UsageEvent. Use the mount point for UsageEvent. |
WhereClause | - - |
- -
- -
- - | |
WireTransferPaymentMethod | Used in Payment, Refund. |
I |
WriteOffAdjustmentApplication | Use the mount point AdjustmentApplications. |
Y |
YearlyBillCyzcle | Use the mount point for BillCycle. |